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Here are 8 benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

This Article is written to reach the public with a simple and clear method to point out and to reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle while reducing the risks of chronic diseases such as diabetes.

With the increased understanding of our bodies that we have gained from science over the past few decades, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are becoming more apparent, along with the reasons why we should detoxify the body at least once a year to remove harmful bacteria, and even worms, from our digestive system. For people of all ages, weights, and abilities the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are endless. But for now let's look at eight simple benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Your Health:

Good Health is not something that you buy from a drug store or a department store, but can be achieved by practicing collective patterns of health-related behavior, based on choices made from available options. Following this logic, if you wish to realize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, you have to repeat some healthy pattern as a part of your daily or weekly activities, some patterns like eating right and exercising. Other benefits includes: Reduced health care costs, reduced illness and injuries, reduced doctors visit, Keeps you employed and improved employee/employer relations.

2. Weight:

Managing your weight is the key to attaining all of the health benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle. A weight reduction of just 10 percent will significantly reduce risk of heart disease and other obesity-related illnesses. Obesity/overweight is the second leading contributing factor to many childhood diseases such as orthopedic disorders, sleep apnea, type II diabetes mellitus, asthma, high blood pressure and cholesterol, skin disorders, emotional and psychosocial problems (Spigel, 2002), and many more. Weight-bearing exercise such as walking and strength training helps slow the onset of and/or prevent osteoporosis and some research shows that participating in such activities can actually build bone density and begin to reverse the disease. Other benefits are: Weight reduction, reduced tension and stress, improved well-being, Enhanced self-image and self-esteem and improved physical function.

3. Exercise:

Although drugs alone can often bring cholesterol down to normal levels, diet and exercise provide benefits that drugs don't. They'll lower blood pressure, reduce weight, and lower the risk of developing diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle is a dangerous risk factor for disease. Exercise and a healthy diet helps the body use insulin more efficiently and can help control, alleviate and prevent many diseases. Exercise, cessation of tobacco consumption, eating a high-fiber, low-fat diet, controlling body weight, and learning to cope with stress, reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Medical:

We all want a trim and have healthy body for a variety of aesthetic, social and medical reasons. Healthy living is truly the best medicine. In a study conducted by Tufts University at the New England Medical Center, among patients with cardiovascular disease, an exercise program was shown to significantly reduce LDL cholesterol and other risk factors beyond what's provided by drug therapy. Even modest weight loss can help reduce medical and pharmacy costs, help avoid bariatric surgery, and co-morbidities such as asthma, hypertension, and diabetes.

5. Wellness:

Wellness is about being comfortable in your space: your body, your attitude, and your environment. A healthy lifestyle can greatly increase a person's longevity. And even though catching something contagious like a cold or flu is sometimes unavoidable, having the wisdom that feeling healthy is a better way to live should have you asking yourself why you are not taking action to live each day as beneficially as possible. The issue with a lot of people nowadays is that they are so busy working and/or taking care of everyone around them, that they neglect their own health and wellness. Make sure your heart is healthy and your bones are strong and Keep it that way to see the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

6. Care:

The best way to ensure good health is by taking care of yourself. The Care stakes are high but the potential rewards are great-preventing premature death, unnecessary illness, and disability, controlling health care cost, and maintaining a high quality of life into old age. With a healthy lifestyle, you are who you are and you don't have to be self-conscious about those things that you otherwise would be if you didn't care about your lifestyle

7. Control:

With a healthy lifestyle, you have more control of your life as you work with your body against those aspects of living which may work to hold you back if you would let them. With a healthy lifestyle, you have control over your sleep patterns so that you feel generally well rested throughout the day. With a healthy lifestyle, everything works together to help other aspects of your lifestyle make sense and benefit you. Science has proven that healthy weight loss, healthy eating and fitness routines make dramatic improvements in health, and help control common chronic illnesses like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, and general lack of stamina.

8. Strength:

Another benefit of a healthy lifestyle is a steady flow of stamina and strength; you can perform activities and exercises that will enhance your flexibility. With a healthy lifestyle, you have a balanced and varied diet that provides your body its needed nutrients and energy as well. You have strength to train to help build the muscle that supports the bones and joints; therefore decreasing the risk of falls and fractures. Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, strengthens the heart muscle, therefore increases the heart's efficiency. As we age, our bones biologically begin to lose mass and strength. Weight-bearing exercise such as walking and strength training helps slow the onset of and/or prevent osteoporosis and some research shows that participating in such activities can actually build bone density and begin to reverse the disease.

The good news is you don't have to train like an Olympic athlete to enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. The secret and logic are repeating a chosen healthy pattern as a part of your daily or weekly activities. We hope that this will get you to a healthy lifestyle if you are not there already. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life.

Balanced Digestive Health And The Key Nutritional Components

When it comes to balanced digestive health and thinking about digestion, the focus is typically on how your stomach feels - are you going to the bathroom regularly, or do you have issues like constipation, bloating, or gas. But there are far more related health implications than regularity - and taking the important steps for balancing the digestive system, will help with any stomach problems the other health problems.

When you don't have a balanced digestive system the imbalance between the good bacteria and bad bacteria in the system is attributed to the digestion and stomach issues, but there are further harmful effects that can cause numerous other health problems like: diseases from auto-immune problems, different types of cancer, improper nutrition, and depression.

Here are some balanced digestive health considerations to recognize:

· Our digest tract contains around 70% of the immune system, and when it is weakened by digestive system imbalances, the result can cause auto-immune diseases like Crohn's, Colitis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

· Digestive tract imbalances can keep your food from properly breaking down and digesting, which can lead to multiple problems - you can't absorb the key nutrients from the food if it isn't broken down right, and undigested food can accumulate and rot in your intestines, leading to more infections and a greater risk for colon cancer.

· The hormone serotonin is one that triggers pleasure and good feeling in the brain, but it comes from the digestive system. As a result, issues coming from bad dietary habits coupled with not having balanced digestive health, can result in problems with coping or depression.

Balancing The Digestive System

To have balanced digestive health, and correct digestive system imbalances nutritionally, you are going to need foods or supplements that include adequate quantities of these 4 key components: soluble fiber, prebiotics, phenolics, and digestive enzymes.

Do not think that you can simply eat more fiber or take a fiber supplement to get the desired balance. Depending on the type of fiber you have added, you may be able to add bulk to your system and become more regular, but that is not addressing all the digestive system problems and functions.

To ensure that you are ingesting enough of the 4 nutritional components that were mentioned as being necessary for having the best possible digestive health, a prebiotics digestive supplement made from a highly concentrated kiwi fruit extract has been shown to be very effective.

Consider the kiwi fruit as a source of digestive enzymes, and a study I read discussing the effectiveness of a kiwi fruit digestive health supplement on digesting the casein protein in milk: the amount of protein digested occurred in 9 minutes from the kiwi fruit extract in the supplement, compared to taking 32 minutes without it - with a far greater percentage being digested with the kiwi fruit digestive enzymes.

Become Healthy and Fit - Lung Health

Lung Set here - We are together one of the largest organs in your body. Our main function (briefly) is to take air from outside the body and get oxygen into your bloodstream, filtering out the carbon dioxide from your blood sending it back into the outside. We accomplish these tasks through bronchial tubes (airways) and alveoli (small air sacs). We have around 300 million alveoli; each is inside a case of capillaries. Of course this is not our only function - no sir/madam -

We also:

- Serve to give the heart soft shock absorbing protection if needed
- Filter small blood clots in veins
- Get rid of those oh so tiny-tiny bubbles that occur in the blood stream.

Now, we are however vulnerable to lung health damage possibly resulting in: Asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, primary pulmonary hypertension, COPD or lung cancer. Any one of these conditions can be life threatening.

The conditions can be avoided and/or minimized using the following guidelines for optimal lung health:

Ingest soy products such as tofu and soy milk which have been to possibly help in the reduction of COPD*. It is possible that the flavinoids in these foods are an anti-inflammatory agent for the lung and may help protect the lungs from tobacco carcinogens.

Certain other foods can be beneficial.

Onions - contain quercetin (an antioxidant) and may help prevent lung cancer, heart problems and blood clots.
Green tea - helps prevent lung cancer.
Garlic - fresh not as a supplement
Red Wine - A glass every or every other night can help with COPD.
Exercise - when you exercise and take in more air by breathing more deeply your lungs are strengthened.

Do not smoke

Help keep indoor air quality good by keeping mold and mildew at bay.

Clean bathrooms, kitchens and basements and keep them well ventilated. Use a dehumidifier in the basement, emptying and cleaning regularly to prevent mildew.

Keep your weight under control. Overweight and more specifically abdominal obesity (waist of 36in or more for women and 40in or more for men) has been linked to decreased lung function. Theories are that the fat literally pushes up the diaphram and chest wall squeezing the lungs and that fat tissue reacts with the body causing inflammation.

* COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a chronic lung disease consisting of chronic bronchitis and emphysema